Air Conditioner Repairs You Can Make Yourself

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Why Your New Home Should Have Packaged Terminal Air Conditioning Units

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Choosing which air conditioning system you will use in your new home is a major decision. Cooling off your house when it’s hot outdoors is a not only a luxury; it’s a necessity. Central air conditioning systems are commonly found in many of the homes across the nation, but another option might be a better choice:  Packaged terminal air conditioning units. You may have seen these devices in hotel rooms while you were traveling or in homes that were built several years ago. Read More»

Three Signs Your Air Conditioner's Expansion Valve Is Going Bad

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Air conditioners malfunction for many reasons. While the compressor or the condenser it typically the source of the problem, sometimes the issue is a failing expansion valve. Here’s more information about what this part does in your A/C unit and how to tell whether it’s the reason your appliance isn’t working right. How Expansion Valves Work Although cold air immediately starts flowing from the air conditioner when you turn it on, the process to get to that point actually involves several complex steps. Read More»

How To Stay Frosty Without Freezing Up Your A/C

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Seeing your air conditioner buried in sheets of ice while your home slowly turns into a sauna seems like a cruel joke, but ice and frost buildup on your A/C system is no laughing matter. If you want to keep your A/C system frost-free while staying frosty indoors, here are a few crucial tips you should follow. Watch for Obstructions Whether it’s a clogged air filter that’s overdue for a change, a seriously dusty air handler fan, or a pile of leaves near your outdoor A/C cabinet, these and other obstructions can do more than just cut down your A/C system’s efficiency. Read More»

4 Reasons To Enroll In An Air Conditioning Service Plan

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Whether you have a relatively new air conditioning unit at your home or an older one, the fact remains that enrolling in an annual inspection and service plan with a trusted HVAC company can benefit you. Most HVAC companies offer these services on both home heating and cooling systems — and they generally cost just a small annual fee. If you aren’t already enrolled in a service plan for your home’s air conditioning system, there are a few reasons to consider doing so today! Read More»

3 Options For Preventing Your Outdoor Air Conditioning Unit From Being Stolen

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You might have paid a lot of money for your air conditioning unit. What you should realize is that someone could steal it and actually get some money for it as well. Whether they sell it to someone who is looking for a used unit for their homes or if they scrap it for the metal, this leaves you in an overly warm house with a big replacement bill. Luckily, you do have options for preventing this from happening. Read More»

Possible Reasons Why Your Furnace Is Short-Cycling

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If your furnace is kicking on and off constantly throughout the day, it could be a sign of a serious problem. This condition is known as short-cycling because the cycle between turning on and off is much shorter than it should be. Here are some possible causes when your furnace short-cycles. Restricted Airflow When your furnace doesn’t get enough air circulation, it can overheat when it turns on. Then, as a safety mechanism, it shuts itself off. Read More»

3 Important Tips For Winterizing Your Air Conditioner

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Are you tired of the hot weather of summer and are glad that winter has come at last? Have you finally shut off your air conditioner, glad that you won’t have to look at it again for several months? Although it may feel good to simply shut off the air conditioner in your home, this isn’t the last thing that you should do this year. To make sure that it and your home are prepared for next year, there are some maintenance steps that you need to take. Read More»

4 Tips To Help With The Maintenance Of Biomass Boilers With Radiant Heating

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If you are looking for an efficient and cheaper energy solution to heat your home, biomass is your answer. It is a fuel that is completely renewable because it is made from dry organic materials like timber and agricultural waste. If you use this fuel to heat your home, you probably have a radiant heating system and there are some things that you will want to know about maintenance. Here are some tips to help with the maintenance of your biomass boiler and radiant heating: Read More»

3 Signs Your AC Needs Repaired

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Delaying repairs to your air conditioning system can lead to further problems including more costly repairs down the line, an uncomfortably warm home, and higher utility bills. For these reasons, it’s a good idea to be on the lookout for signs that something is wrong with your AC. When you have repairs made promptly, you will ensure your home stays cool all summer and that your AC lasts as long as possible. Read More»

Combining Passive Cooling With Efficient AC Designs For A Greener Home

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Today, the HVAC systems installed in homes are more efficient than ever. Your home can be improved with a combination of efficient AC design and passive cooling through ventilation and thermal convection. The design of your home should include things like natural ventilation and thermal barriers to reduce the need for conventional HVAC. Here are some of the things that combine good passive energy home designs with modern HVAC to reduce energy consumption and carbon footprints on the environment: Read More»