Air Conditioner Repairs You Can Make Yourself

Hot Water Heater Maintenance Tips To Prevent A Breakdown

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Your water heater helps makes it so you can shower and wash dishes with nice, hot water. Without your water heater, even washing your hands can be a pain. The problem is that you often don’t know there is an issue with your water heater until it’s too late. Maintaining your water heater will help prevent issues with your water heater. Read on for maintenance tips to help you prevent a breakdown of your hot water heater. Read More»

Don't Miss The Signs That Indicate That Your Central AC System Is In Trouble

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If you enjoy having a nicely cooled house during the hot summer months, you are going to want to make sure that you are on the lookout for signs of AC trouble. This way, if there are some signs that indicate that there is a chance that there is something going terribly wrong with the AC unit, you can make a call to the residential AC repair company. Here are some of the signs that you need to look for: Read More»

Home Heating Up? 4 Reasons Your Air Conditioner Won't Turn On

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When you’re in the middle of a heatwave, the last thing you want is to deal with is a broken air conditioner. Unfortunately, that can happen more often than you think, especially when it’s running around the clock. If your air conditioner shuts off, and won’t come back on, use the information provided here to locate the problem. Your Disconnect Switches Are Off If your air conditioner has stopped working, the first thing you should do is check the thermostat. Read More»

2 Things To Consider When Buying A New Air Conditioner

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When your air conditioner reaches a certain age, it may stop working, which means you are going to need AC replacement. But getting a new one isn’t really as easy as just closing your eyes and blindly pointing at an air conditioner. You may get one that is too large or too small. Too large an air conditioner means it won’t go through a proper cooling cycle, and it will make your air conditioner work harder than it needs to. Read More»

Commercial AC Tips To Minimize Your Environmental Footprint

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If you are an ecologically minded business owner, you may be concerned with the amount of resources your company uses to keep its building cool in summer. While having the building completely retrofitted with modern green technology may not be in the budget, there are steps you can take to lower your environmental footprint while still ensuring the comfort of your employees and customers. The following tips can help. Install a programmable thermostat Read More»