Air Conditioner Repairs You Can Make Yourself

Home Feeling Hot? Top Signs Your Air Conditioner Could Need Repairs

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Working diligently to have a comfortable home should be high on your to-do list. There are numerous things you can do that will allow you to learn you may have a problem with your AC unit. Learning of specific signs that indicate this is the case can allow you to schedule a much-needed repair. 1.  Lack of cool air Keeping your property very comfortable when the temperature is soaring outside is vital for your continued well-being and overall happiness. Read More»

Heating Services And Other Post-Season Ways To Maintain Your Furnace

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As the end of winter nears, you shouldn’t forget about your furnace or heating services. Before the weather warms and you turn your heater off, take a look at the top maintenance tips to follow. Schedule Service Your furnace already had a pre-season checkup. Does it also need post-season maintenance? It’s possible you might need to schedule both types of service if: The winter was extremely cold. If the outdoor temperature kept your furnace on more than usual, the increased wear might mean it has damage that can’t wait until next year to repair. Read More»

About Residential Central HVAC Units

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If you have just moved in a home with a central HVAC system or you have just had a system installed, you need to learn your way around this type of system to make sure you keep it running and working efficiently. The first thing you want to realize is there are inside components and outside components. While the system won’t require a lot of hands-on maintenance from you, there is still some maintenance you’ll need to do both to the inside and outside elements. Read More»

4 Tips To Help You Stay Warm And Prepare For A Furnace Replacement In The Depths Of Winter

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Sometimes, when the weather outside is cold and your heating is working full force to keep your home warm, the furnace may stop. If repairs are too costly or your furnace is too old, replacement may be the only option and may need to be done during the winter months. When you are having your furnace replaced in cold weather, you want to stay warm and prepare to ensure it gets done quickly. Read More»

Tips For Choosing The Best Time To Install An AC

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There are two main reasons you need to time your AC (air conditioner) properly. First, installing the AC at the right time will ensure that you experience the minimum interruption possible. Secondly, timing the installation right may help save you some money. Below are some of the best times to install your AC. Renovations There are two main reasons why it makes sense to replace the AC during renovations. First, a big renovation project is likely to cause major interruptions to your home life. Read More»