Heating Services And Other Post-Season Ways To Maintain Your Furnace
As the end of winter nears, you shouldn't forget about your furnace or heating services. Before the weather warms and you turn your heater off, take a look at the top maintenance tips to follow.
Schedule Service
Your furnace already had a pre-season checkup. Does it also need post-season maintenance? It's possible you might need to schedule both types of service if:
- The winter was extremely cold. If the outdoor temperature kept your furnace on more than usual, the increased wear might mean it has damage that can't wait until next year to repair.
- You might use the furnace in the spring. If your furnace is inefficient, slow to warm, has damage, or has another issue, and the spring weather is chilly in your area, you may need a second HVAC service call.
- Your heater and AC use the same ducts. Are your ducts leaky? This isn't just an issue you can ignore until next winter. You need to prepare the ducts for summer AC use right now.
What else do you need to know about end-of-winter furnace maintenance? Read on for more ways to keep your HVAC system in top shape.
Clean the Filter
Clean reusable filters and replace fiberglass, polyester, paper, and other one-time-use filters before the winter ends. Whether it's still below freezing or the weather is already warming, you need a new or clean filter if:
- You haven't changed/cleaned the filter in more than one month. With regular use, most filters require cleaning or replacement every month. Regardless of the weather, you should stick to this schedule.
- You have pets, have respiratory issues, or have had recent home construction. These may all require more frequent filter changes.
- Your air conditioner uses the same filter as your heater. If the two systems share the same air filter, replacing it now can save you time (and possibly even money) when the weather warms.
If you're not sure where the filter is located, how to replace or clean it, whether it's replaceable, or what type of filter to buy, talk to an HVAC professional.
Remove Clutter in the Area
Did your leftover wrapping supplies, winter boots, and other cold-weather gear end up around your furnace? If you're not sure what removing nearby clutter has to do with furnace maintenance, consider:
- Your next service call. The technician will need easy access to the furnace without having to move your winter gear aside.
- Potential safety issues. Close-by clutter could pose a potential safety or fire hazard.
- Filter changes. If your furnace and air conditioner use the same filter, you'll need to change it well past the winter months. But if you can't access the area easily, you may forget or put off this necessary maintenance activity.
Nip this storage backup in the bud and cut the clutter right now before you end up adding to it.
From scheduling heating services to clearing the clutter, these easy-to-follow tips will help your HVAC system to perform optimally year-round.